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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5351 - 5400 of 8657 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Ascendancy Storm notacanadian24 10/1/2014
Trash For Treasures Relmmagus 10/1/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Robert Graves 2014 StarCity PIQ Modern - Indianapolis - 9/28 9th-16th 10/1/2014
fk nightattak95 10/1/2014
Jeskai Bunahi 9/30/2014
Turbo Weird notacanadian24 9/30/2014
Master the way jp523 9/30/2014
Sultai Deathdealer v2 Surfkatt 9/30/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Stephen Speck 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy nosesa 9/30/2014
UR Delve Budgetsauce smt 9/29/2014
dimir magicperson 9/29/2014
Drawn Out Skulker LaQuifa 9/29/2014
Control Slaver bertschtree3 9/29/2014
perfect draft deck fireblade1357 9/29/2014
UR Delver Bob Huang 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Edison - 9/28 1st 9/29/2014
Sultai Delver Stephen Mann 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Edison - 9/28 5th-8th 9/29/2014
Dredge 2.0 Areiz 9/27/2014
Jeskai Combo jmdwinter 9/24/2014
rug bnogas 9/24/2014
Brago Blink combatoptimus 9/23/2014
jeskai ascendancy swagmonsta789 9/22/2014
Sultai Midrange mooster96 9/22/2014
BGstuff cgreenmagic 9/22/2014
Sultai Slithers Vaegge 9/22/2014
Sultai Bug runpen 9/21/2014
Temur Slice King 9/21/2014
Jeskai Tempo nic44 9/21/2014
Sultai control sir coleridge 9/20/2014
Laquatus notacanadian24 9/19/2014
Mazes End Landfall hardrawk 9/14/2014
Taritha Seafront AngelOfElysium 9/14/2014
Modern/Pauper Adam001 9/13/2014
Monoblue Tron AceEffect 9/11/2014
UG Landfall hardrawk 9/10/2014
Mono Blue Budget Floatwall 9/10/2014
Robs EDH Work in Progress RushRunner 9/8/2014
Muzzio corith_70 9/8/2014
Zombie Hunt hardrawk 9/7/2014
Binder 4 rayanami 9/5/2014
Red Deck Maquinist Autress 9/5/2014
izzet artifacts rma1219 9/5/2014
Esper Control cookie033 9/1/2014
Azami jaybee160 8/29/2014
UB Tron madarameBK MTGO Modern Premier - 7379190 - 8/17/14 9th-16th 8/28/2014
Budget Mono Blue Tron justdude45 8/25/2014
U Tron caboose249 8/22/2014
Esper Deathblade Malistre 8/21/2014
Monoblue Tron Nathan Ruth MaxPoint Gold - Pastimes - 8/9/14 5th-8th 8/21/2014
Monoblue Tron shoktroopa MTGO Modern Premier - 7356108 - 8/10/14 5th-8th 8/20/2014

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