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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 601 - 650 of 761 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Super Friends kdebo 7/20/2012
whitey sings the blues Brycejohnson 7/19/2012
RUG Smash WarioMan 7/19/2012
ESPER Teachings CamTurner 7/19/2012
Quick!! safariad 7/19/2012
Mono White Samurai AngelOfElysium 7/19/2012
Witch Doctor crabcrouton 7/19/2012
Windy Colors safariad 7/19/2012
budgetish storm? greg9381 7/19/2012
Infinitect cuillrock 7/19/2012
Windy Day safariad 7/19/2012
Jolly TempleGuard 7/19/2012
Modern Delver masterp11 7/19/2012
Melira Pod Youichi Nagami 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 5th-8th 7/19/2012
Naya Pod Yuuki Yotsumoto 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 5th-8th 7/19/2012
Emrakul safariad 7/19/2012
What hand? Purplesuits 7/19/2012
Pyromancer Burn BDog7759 7/19/2012
BW Tokens Jun’ichi Miyajima 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 1st 7/19/2012
Jund Satoshi Yamaguchi 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 3rd-4th 7/19/2012
Monoblue Faeries Kei Umehara 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 2nd 7/19/2012
Melira Pod Masaki Ushijima 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 5th-8th 7/19/2012
Naya Pod Toshiyuki Kadooka 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 3rd-4th 7/19/2012
Rakdos Aggro sandydogmtg MTGO Modern Premier - 7/15/12 3rd-4th 7/19/2012
Master Affinity Hiroya Miyamota 2012 Grand Prix Yokohama - 6/23 5th-8th 7/19/2012
Life to Win zpfriem 7/19/2012
Black Vampires zpfriem 7/19/2012
Green and White Casual zpfriem 7/18/2012
Elves zpfriem 7/18/2012
Living End Slayer89 7/18/2012
Bugs and Spores zpfriem 7/18/2012
Four Color Delver CamTurner 7/18/2012
gobs budget tiffany_725 7/18/2012
Allied Genesis Noir 7/18/2012
MUT (Modern Urza Tron) Selbah 7/18/2012
fast paced RW tcornell12 7/18/2012
Goblin lalalun 7/18/2012
GW Modern j1234jesse 7/18/2012
Doran Aurox95 7/18/2012
Merry WeWillFall 7/18/2012
Burninating the Peasants TempleGuard 7/17/2012
Merbros Acquistapace 7/17/2012
Restore balance shadowsnipe00 7/17/2012
Garga-Geddon rickster 7/17/2012
Merfolks Depian 7/17/2012
Tactician's Champion DigiXero 7/17/2012
Goblin tesla89 7/17/2012
W/B Token tesla89 7/17/2012
storm cory5 7/17/2012
Monoblue Faeries ArcArc 7/17/2012

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