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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 651 - 700 of 761 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RUG Delver ArcArc 7/17/2012
U/W Angel ArcArc 7/17/2012
Naya Pod ArcArc 7/17/2012
Melira Pod ArcArc 7/17/2012
Giant Final s_belo 7/16/2012
UG Ancient Depths tcornell12 7/16/2012
Vial Merfolk Trokair 7/16/2012
Sunny Side Up boneclub24 7/16/2012
GW aggro @Black_Token 7/16/2012
Suicide Ooze doctorshotgun 7/16/2012
Urza Tron masterp11 7/16/2012
Sparo FAB_TheShark_ 7/16/2012
izzzz Belimos 7/16/2012
Mono Green Ramp NickJackson 7/16/2012
Extraction captnlou 7/15/2012
Mono Blue Merfolk JustinWolf 7/15/2012
GB Tron roxinberg 7/15/2012
Prismatic Myr y4r5xeym5 7/15/2012
Blood Artist Yamizaga 7/15/2012
Merfolk Grayskies 7/14/2012
Death cloud roxinberg 7/14/2012
Rolling in the Beats King Xanadu 7/14/2012
Damage Plan MusicKing69 7/13/2012
Death and Taxes Ryoichi 7/13/2012
Sparo Modern - Akira - 7/13/2012
WUR Aggro CamTurner 7/12/2012
Splinter Twin knapp42 7/12/2012
Merfolk masterp11 7/12/2012
***ESPER*** WonderBoy1020 7/11/2012
Treefolk EflfK 7/11/2012
Tallowisp PannonPuma 7/11/2012
Red Deck 1.0.2 eefman 7/11/2012
black red please comment King Qynar II 7/10/2012
Grixis Trix Jabari31 7/10/2012
RUB WeWillFall 7/10/2012
Bruna Modern Enchantments BiggyWiggles 7/10/2012
Trydredge Morodern 7/10/2012
Jace/vortex ability combo LegitK 7/10/2012
Restoration Fae Zak 7/10/2012
Esper Tempo (HELP!) bachwiz18 7/10/2012
B/R vampire rickfree23 7/10/2012
Red Elemental lalalun 7/10/2012
Modern Folk Selbah 7/9/2012
Aggro mill remfan1988 7/9/2012
Living End Blackchoas 7/9/2012
WU Ramp Nagi 7/9/2012
Interacial Horde vampirekid26 7/9/2012
D Templar-988 7/9/2012
Grixis hakoon Mamut3D 7/9/2012
Werewolf chris_kalitas 7/9/2012

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