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Search Results for Standard Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 540 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
goldfish madness nilson 7/21/2016
Dark Seasons MrTwist82 7/21/2016
Mono-Red Burn Raphael Levy 7/20/2016
Mono-Red Madness Seth Manfield 7/20/2016
Esper Control Moss 7/20/2016
Abzan Rites YokiDragon 7/20/2016
Splendid Digging Conley Woods 7/20/2016
Splendid Aggro Conley Woods 7/20/2016
Splendid Awakening Conley Woods 7/20/2016
U/B Zombies Adam Yurchick 7/20/2016
Standard Trix SteffenBlake 7/20/2016
BR Madness drknox5 7/19/2016
UW Spirits schafeman11 7/19/2016
Boros Humanos Jester0fSpades 7/19/2016
Mono B Vampires NP-complete 7/19/2016
Vamps billybobjones 7/19/2016
WW billybobjones 7/19/2016
std emn r/u hegemonForte 7/19/2016
2/1 aggro std EMN hegemonForte 7/19/2016
reanimate bastarola nilson 7/19/2016
Mirrorwing ElfSun 7/19/2016
U/R Tempo Glacius 7/19/2016
U/R Tutelage Seth Manfield 7/19/2016
Naya Midrange 2.0 CrimsonLiege 7/19/2016
MBA foreverzero 7/18/2016
RB Pact darkestdawn 7/18/2016
Shallow Graves Jester0fSpades 7/18/2016
Mono-Black Mindbender Conley Woods 7/18/2016
EDM Prerelease haul rodr3 7/18/2016
U/B Zombies katsuhiro 7/17/2016
Br thing for gameday teast 7/17/2016
GW Angels sadz956 7/17/2016
Nahiri Naya eyewtkas 7/17/2016
B/R Lupine Madness Drawman 7/16/2016
Mono white equip teast 7/16/2016
FNM (2016/07/15) - 1st DemonicSei 7/16/2016
rw angels spazboy474 7/15/2016
UB zombies spazboy474 7/15/2016
GR midrange spazboy474 7/15/2016
emerge-drazi? spazboy474 7/15/2016
UW spirits spazboy474 7/15/2016
Human Angels sadz956 7/15/2016
W/G Humans Craig Wescoe 7/15/2016
RGU ELDRAZI EDM Jesus1975 7/15/2016
BR Vampires arcticfox2012 7/15/2016
RB Vampires jace19 7/14/2016
WG human test evantide 7/14/2016
W/G Humans Adam Yurchick 7/14/2016
Mono-Red Dragons Adam Yurchick 7/14/2016
W/B Eldrazi Adam Yurchick 7/14/2016

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