My First Deck(Elf)
by Konruya

Latest Set:
Mirrodin Besieged
Last Modified On: 6/1/2011
Maindeck 154
Creature 53
3 Arbor Elf 3 Elvish Archdruid 3 Elvish Piper 4 Ezuri, Renegade Leader 2 Ezuri's Archers 3 Immaculate Magistrate 2 Imperious Perfect 4 Jagged-Scar Archers 2 Joraga Treespeaker 3 Joraga Warcaller 2 Llanowar Elves 1 Lys Alana Huntmaster 2 Nath of the Gilt-Leaf 4 Nissa's Chosen 2 Platinum Angel 2 Rhys the Redeemed 2 Seedborn Muse 2 Skyshroud Ranger 2 Sylvan Ranger 2 Tajuru Preserver 1 Tel-Jilad Fallen 2 Thornweald ArcherSpell 69
4 Asceticism 3 Basilisk Collar 2 Beastmaster Ascension 2 Bladed Pinions 3 Door of Destinies 2 Doubling Season 3 Elvish Guidance 4 Elvish Promenade 2 Explore 1 Flourishing Defenses 2 Fog 3 Gauntlet of Power 4 Gelatinous Genesis 1 Gleeful Sabotage 1 Lurking Predators 1 Mercy Killing 1 Momentous Fall 3 Naturalize 1 Nature's Lore 1 Overwhelming Stampede 3 Presence of Gond 3 Primal Command 1 Skullclamp 3 Snakeform 4 Steely Resolve 2 Thousand-Year Elixir 3 Whispersilk Cloak 3 Wild Growth 3 Wurm's ToothCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 2.87
this is my first deck + some i like. still working on it. im gonna be trying to put a billion and +1 tokens, and amplify there abilities with spells and enchantments (elf deck)