the manabase is pretty simple. artifact mana to speed up your early game and to give you huge mana to drop your hand after a draw7. workshops and tombs to accelerate into bigger and better things faster. volcanics to support your main colors and glimmervoids work great with an artifact deck and gives you flexability in the sb.
as for creatures, metalworker is there to drop your hand on the second turn and welder is what makes the deck tick by doing some crazy stuff. since this deck relies on keeping a 1 1 creature alive and a mindslaver, you need plat. angels to buy you more time and as an alternate win condition.
the spells in this deck is pretty basic. draws7s to go from losing to winning, mindslaver to win, chalice and tangle wire to slow down your opponent. thirst for card advantage and synergy with your welders. force is there to force through your key spells.
as for the sideboard, the rack and ruins are for other workshop decks and decks that have null rod against you. workshops hate bazaars with a passion, thus we have crypts. reb just incase you are being outcountered and outplayed against a blue based deck. steely resolve was what i thought was my own secret tech until i saw it showing up in european sideboards.
i hope you enjoy my deck, thanks for looking.