Maindeck 102
Creature 16
1 Acolyte of Xathrid 1 Bringer of the Black Dawn 1 Desolation Angel 1 Exorcist 1 Falkenrath Noble 3 Gnat Miser 1 Liliana's Specter 1 Locust Miser 1 Massacre Wurm 2 Ravenous Rats 1 Royal Assassin 1 Rune-Scarred Demon 1 Seizan, Perverter of TruthSpell 49
2 Armageddon 2 Arrest 1 Befoul 2 Castigate 1 Curse of Wizardry 2 Dark Ritual 4 Darkest Hour 3 Dash Hopes 1 Demon's Horn 1 Diabolic Revelation 2 Diabolic Tutor 1 Endless Horizons 1 Exsanguinate 1 Font of Mythos 2 Gerrard's Verdict 1 Geth's Grimoire 1 Honden of Night's Reach 4 Light of Day 3 Mana Tithe 2 Megrim 1 Near-Death Experience 1 Painful Quandary 1 Polluted Bonds 2 Purge 1 Quest for the Nihil Stone 1 Repay In Kind 1 Revoke Existence 1 The Rack 2 Underworld Dreams 1 Venser's JournalCOLORED MANA SYMBOLS
Average CMC: 2.97
key combo: darkest hour & light of day
other cards reduce opponent hand size, increases draws, and penalize opponents for most actions. several ways to search cards in library, heal, and stagger opponents until combos get out. land destructions are best used after a few damaging enchantments and darkest hour & light of day are out.