The deck style is more accurately described as combo-control. The solid control base allows you to stay alive till you get a goblin welder recurring a mindslaver.
This deck is based on a high finishing similar deck at dulmen, attempting to use the green splash to shore up one of the decks two main weaknesses, the aggro match and decks that can remove your welders.
The SB chain of plasma is for abusing with mindslaver. It may prove unnecessary, but i felt the deck needed some way help decks that arent good at killing themselves when you control thier turns.
The SB is completely unrefined, as i'm just starting to test this deck. Suggestions are welcom, especialy with regards to what may help the aggro matches, particularly TnT and Sligh.
This is an early version i'm using to start testing, and constructive criticism is welcommed. Please do not comment if you are not familiar with competitive T1.