This is a 93/94 deck that uses Land Tax to fill your hand with lands which are discarded to Land's Edge to deal damage to an opponent. Removal is aimed at eliminating artifact mana and not dying from aggressive creatures. This build is creatureless in the maindeck to provide some card advantage when the opponent has creature removal, like swords to plowshares, in hand. If you can keep a filled hand, remove as much artifact mana and threats as you can and gain life from ivory tower, you may draw it out the 4-10 turns you need to be able to chuck 10 or so lands at an opponent's dome.
This deck runs 5 colors and prioritizes cards based on power and splashability. Timetwister is a great example of this, requiring just one blue mana (from the lone island, one of the 4x city of brass, the fellwar stone or black lotus) and doing multiple things (drawing a new hand, shuffling the deck, recurring discarded lands and played spells). The deck uses one or more restricted cards from each color (Balance, Wheel of Fortune, Regrowth, Demonic Tutor, Mind Twist and Timetwister). For the rest of the deck, it uses white, red, green, black in that order. Besides Timetwister, the only other blue card would be Energy Flux and In the Eye of Chaos as potential sideboard cards. Ancestral Recall could be included but you have to make tough choices about what to cut. I'd suggest a long hard look at lightning bolt, swords to plowshares, wrath of god, and even land's edge.
For a starting hand, you are looking for any white mana source (of which there are 15 not including the Fellwar Stone) and one copy of Land Tax. Anything else is just gravy. Its possible to not have either and still have a keepable hand (e.g. with Library of Alexandria, or if you have some good acceleration, an enchantment or two and balance) but you really need to be activating Land Tax or you will not win.
The sideboarding strategy here is to provide more situationally-powerful answers and threats that don't add heavy mana requirements. 3x Dust to Dust, 4x Red Elemental Blast, 2x City in a Bottle, 2x Black Vise, 2x Circle of Protection: Red and 1x Circle of Protection: Black and 1x Serra Angel is a perfectly useful sideboard, but the 15 I'm showing to the left are some additional options that you might consider (not shown but also possible: Typhoon, Tsunami, Flashfires, Armageddon, Ball Lightning, Wall of Earth, Wall of Swords, Dragon Welp, Rukh Egg)
Note that Desert Twister here is a stand-in for chaos orb, which is not legal in vintage so I can't include it in the list.