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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 51 - 100 of 160 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Red & White Dino HadesJester 7/26/2018
Daretti - Artifact Red Commander HadesJester 7/26/2018
Direct Damage Red HadesJester 7/26/2018
Hazoret the Fervent ChristopherWallace MTGO Brawl League: 06/10/18 6/11/2018
Hazoret the Fervent Anssi MTGO Brawl League: 06/03/18 6/4/2018
AtogAtog Eggs EDH OmniSin 5/23/2018
mono brown crash_test 5/12/2018
atog burn kachy 4/27/2018
The Antiquities War MRB 4/24/2018
Jhoira Brawl Bruce Richard 4/17/2018
Jund Marionette Master Novakayne 4/11/2018
Artifact Burn/storm ronrussell 4/10/2018
ART A FACT Leek1 4/9/2018
Green Red Goblin Fun Time Heartless Hidetsugu 3/25/2018
AtogAtog EDH OmniSin 3/20/2018
Izzet Artifacts Garfield2875 3/17/2018
Fun cheapish deck Krautsy 3/4/2018
Mono Red Pirates Bearded Artsman 3/3/2018
Budget Mono Red Pauper Artifacts Raze 3/1/2018
Locust god Big Red1134 3/1/2018
Kurkesh never 2/11/2018
D34D's Red/Black Aggro D34DbodyGIRL 1/5/2018
Reckless Fireweaver Combo Darkrib16 12/19/2017
Standard Pauper Monored Artifacts SBMTG_Dev 12/17/2017
ITS PIA BABY!!!! Donniesaur 11/17/2017
ITS PIA BABBY!!!! Donniesaur 11/16/2017
Artifact sacrifice never147 11/13/2017
Red DiscArtifact Vehicle Burn BUDGET SithDragon33 10/28/2017
Rakdos Revolution RonK 10/24/2017
Izzet Artifacts Garfield2875 10/15/2017
Artifact Izzet SithDragon33 10/7/2017
R/U Artifact Pauper Sabat9Actual 9/15/2017
Construct Tribal on a plane Petoskey 9/1/2017
1-2 drop burn deck pribbler 8/31/2017
Grixis Improvise lazylantern 8/23/2017
Red Blue Control Burn Asked5 8/11/2017
5 color demon temp Killer Cam 7/28/2017
Construct Tribal Petoskey 7/26/2017
Grixis Artifacts bachau 6/27/2017
Grixis Colossus UFC MTGO Competitive Standard League: 6/19-6/25 6/25/2017
Krark-Clan Burn Sporter 6/24/2017
Implements of Death Sporter 6/24/2017
Pia's revolution ImReserect 6/20/2017
Pia's Boat MaxCataclysm 6/9/2017
arty woefulstatue 5/31/2017
U/R Week1 BABYDENTUREZ 5/24/2017
metalyard jiggynga 5/1/2017
U/R Improvise jaek MTGO Standard PTQ - 4/29/17 5th-8th 5/1/2017
Gremlins Goopy 4/22/2017
Pia's Recycling Facility Merkonical 4/15/2017

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